Conceiving Made Possible by IVF in India

IVF is been defined as In Vitro Fertilization. IVF in India is the process that is used to conceive a child outside the body of a woman. During this process man's sperm and woman's eggs are sited collectively in a plastic dish for fertilization. Once the eggs are fertilized, the resulting embryos are placed in the woman's uterus resulting in pregnancy.

IVF in India is a four steps method

Stimulating the ovaries- Hormones usually stimulate the ovaries to produce more than one egg per cycle. This enables the collection of several eggs. The development of these eggs is monitored by conducting several blood tests and ultrasounds that ensure eggs are collected at the right time.

Collecting the eggs

At the time of collecting the eggs, an ultrasound probe is placed in the vagina. The ultrasound monitor helps in locating the follicles within the ovaries. Each follicle in the ovary is pierced in order to collect its egg.


Few hours after the egg collection has taken place then comes the time to collect a sample of the semen of man. The eggs are mixed with the sperm in a culture dish. Due to the fertilization process a zygote or pre-embryo will begin to develop.

Embryo transfer

It takes place after eggs have been collected and properly fertilized. One or two best quality of embryos will be transferred back to the woman's uterus at an appropriate time during her menstrual cycle. The embryo successfully attaches itself to the wall of the womb for the process of pregnancy to begin.

Two weeks after these processes have taken place, the blood sample of the woman will collected and tested to determine if the woman is pregnant.

IVF Clinic India provides the best of their facilities to the patients. Thousands of couples are incapable of conceiving. This does not mean that never in life can they have child. IVF in India has made fertility possible these couples. IVF is relatively a way better method of having children than other methods like adoption etc. Since it gives the patients children's who biologically belong to them.

IVF in India Success Rates are very high. Till date there has been no clear evidence that IVF medicines or the treatment has imperfectly affected any of the patients. If the medications given by the doctors are followed properly and regularly there can be simply no risk of birth defects.

IVF in India treats the patients keeping in mind their needs. IVF in India Success Rates have generatedthe attention of millions of those fighting infertility.

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