Pregnancy Development in the 32nd Week, an Overview

As your due date approaches, you know that the baby who has developed so fast since so long will finally meet you now. When you are 32 weeks pregnant you can undergo constant development in your body, and you may also feel uneasiness and complete distress.

Knowing what is best for you, and acquiring knowledge about every aspect in this phase is probably the best thing to do.

Baby's movements and continued growth:

When you are 32 weeks pregnant, your baby is practicing for the things he'll require to do after birth, such as sucking, absorbing, and inhaling. These delicate movements of baby are tougher to feel and may also go unnoticed several times.

Growth of the baby:

Like the last few weeks, your baby continues to fatten up. The weight of your baby is around 3.7 pounds, and the total length measures about 16.7 inches long from head to toe. In the coming few weeks, your baby will increase one-third of his/her total birth weight. When a baby is born, he/she may weigh around seven pounds or may be more!

Your baby's skin is less shining than the previous times. Actually, it is turning pinker. The blood vessels that were clearly visible previously, are now hidden below the skin!

The nails of the fingers grows faster than the normal, and might have reached covered the fingers.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the fun part lies in knowing that baby enjoys making faces. Babies in the womb can actually smile and may even stick their tongues out. You can get more of this activity after your baby is born.

Your baby is gaining weight as he/she gets layers of fat and muscle below the skin. Baby is getting a plump look - lovable and cute, as you expect a baby to be.

The amniotic fluid in the womb is reaching its maximum level this week. It will remain so, till the time you reach the final weeks of your pregnancy, when it will automatically lessen in the volume bit by bit.

Ensure that you are keeping a check on the baby's movements from time to time, particularly if you notice, that the activities and movements have decreased.

Condition of the expectant mothers and necessary measures!

At 32 weeks pregnant, the measurement of your uterus is almost 5 inches above your navel, and is pushing your organs everywhere possible. This may lead to heartburn or constipation problems.

If you want to reduce the signs of constipation, drink plenty of water and intake a lot of fiber.

Since the uterus pushes up on the stomach, heartburn may become of a problem. Therefore, so as to lessen heartburn and indigestion, take regular small meals in the place of some larger ones.

You may also be undergoing some breathing difficulty and dehydration problems. Swelled ankles, hands and face are few signs of fluid retention.

This condition also causes high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine.

It is significant to take a well-planned diet to ensure that you remain very healthy to be able to deliver a baby. Ensure that you drink a lot of water to substitute for all the liquids that is lost through sweat. Eat proper food and stay fit. Your baby is on his way to enter your world.

Adams Hall Bee Photo Adams Hall is an experienced journalist and the editor on Women Health topics, but he is a specialist in Pregnancy information write-ups. Adams writes on various matters such as pregnancy week by week, 32 weeks pregnant , 33 weeks pregnant, 34 weeks pregnant and etc. He has been appreciated for his quality work by many reputed health magazines.

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