Fake Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Expecting is usually an exciting time for parents. But unfortunately, pregnancy not always ends with the anticipated baby. Sometimes women starts believing that they are pregnant, even if they are not, just because of the symptoms like nausea and fatigue that they mistakenly conclude. This false pregnancy is clinically termed as Pseudocyesis (a kind of belief that you are expecting when in real you are not carrying a child). The false pregnancy is mostly concluded by the fake early pregnancy symptoms. Especially when you are trying to get pregnant or just hoping for it, every month passes present a whole lot of guessing and watching out the classic symptoms of pregnancy.

Well, whatever it be, it's a fact that when there is so much emotion is involved in something, it can be easy to imagine that you are expecting or experiencing pregnancy symptoms. It's normal to spent hours in searching list of pregnancy symptoms when you are trying to expect or trying for years to get pregnant. Some women convinced pretty much that they were pregnant, though months after months they were not. Well checking pregnancy symptom is like a frantic game that any one should not really bother, playing until have any confirmation on pregnancy stick.

Here are some early pregnancy symptoms that can fake you out, take a look on them:

Fatigue: Our all wondering, guessing and poking wear us out physically too.Nausea and vomiting.Expecting for years and trying for it with an imagination that you have your own baby in hands is really stressful and whose mood don't swings or changes when they think that their life is changing shortly.Sore boobs can also be the symptom as if you often check to see if they are sore, they actually get sore.Food cravings may be the symptoms of fake pregnancy. During pregnancy you are free to eat whatever you want and your desire of eating you like call cravings in pregnancy and when you are not you call them lack of will power.Interruption of the menstrual period.Swollen belly and many more.

Above symptoms can last for weeks, and sometimes for several years. Usually pelvic exam has been done to test the false pregnancy including abdominal ultrasound scan and if there is no baby will be seen or won't be any heartbeat, it shows that you are not pregnant. False expectation of pregnancy, especially for a period of several months, can be very upsetting for woman to learn that in real she is not. In this case, doctors or her partner need to gently break the news and need to provide psychological support or therapies as well, so that patient can handle herself and can recover from her disappointment.

In some cases the problem is more than we think as some women want to be pregnant so badly that her brain changes her body. The sad part is that the condition is frequently triggered by trauma or sometimes the death of a spouse.

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