Can I Start My Labor At Home? - 10 of The Best Ways To Bring Labor On Fast

You've taken quite the journey through the first two stages of your pregnancy. You've survived the morning sickness, the cravings and the lack of sleep. Your body has changed in ways you never imagined possible. And now, you're in your third trimester, and you're exhausted. Who wouldn't be? It seems like the vomiting and nausea, the constantly going to the bathroom and feeling like you're completely backed up at the same time, and all of the aches and pains never end.

You know you're just about done with pregnancy and you're ready to meet your new little wonder. This article will show you ten of the best ways to bring labor on fast. These methods are natural and safe for you and your baby and could have you in the delivery room today. Don't wait another moment, read this article and get relief from that third trimester now!

Can I Start My Labor At Home? Of Course!

There are so many ways to induce labor fast right from home today. Did you know that over half of labor inductions in hospitals aren't necessary? Doctors and hospitals often induce labor chemically to force the birth of the baby in order to keep a schedule or to meet the needs of the hospital, not the needs of you and your baby. This is why so many women around the world are going back to natural home births and natural labor inducing techniques. In hospitals they use many chemicals and traumatic physical interventions as ways to help induce labor. In fact, these methods rarely help and result in c-sections and premature deliveries more often than natural births! The best ways you can induce labor yourself are completely natural and help give your body a gentle push to signal that it is time for birth. There are no harsh chemicals or physically traumatic methods you need to go through. This list is short, but all of these ways bring labor on fast and have been used for centuries by doulas and midwives all over the world.

Sperm - Hospitals use a chemical version of prostaglandins (found in sperm) to help ripen the cervix. This will signal to your body that it is time for the water to break.Orgasm - Having an orgasm is great for so many reasons. Not only do orgasms naturally relax you, your body releases oxytocin which spurs your contractions. When you have a powerful orgasm, your uterus contracts naturally, and this can put you right into delivery.Nipple Stimulation - This is another effective way to get your body releasing oxytocin. 4) Bananas - Potassium is a very important part of your labor. If you don't have enough you could be delaying your labor further. Potassium gives you strong and powerful contractions that will promise a shorter and more pleasant delivery.

5) Walking - Many women have their water break when they're walking. This is because the gentle bouncing movement helps relax and open the hips and can cause your amniotic sac (or water) to break because of all of the pressure.

6) Stairs - This one is much like walking, but gravity gives a little extra push with every step. Make sure to walk up and down stairs indoors and with someone close by just in case that water breaks.

7) Yoga - This ancient practice has many deep stretches and meditations dedicated only to inducing labor. Seek out your local certified yoga practitioner to lead you to delivery through yoga.

8) Acupressure - With the right guide, you can use acupressure to induce labor by stimulating particular pressure points in your body.

9) Acupuncture - The Chinese have been using acupuncture to start labor for centuries. If you want help to bring on labor, a certified acupuncturist has a lot to offer.

10) Spicy Foods - You can induce labor at home with this old wives tale. There is truth behind this method. When you eat spicy food your body reacts with strong bowel contractions that induce labor contractions. Instead of eating foods that can cause you indigestion, try going to gentle natural laxatives like pineapple, citrus fruit and castor oil.

These are not only the ten best ways to bring labor on fast, they are also safe and natural ways you can induce labor at home. You know what is right for you and your baby. The decision to induce labor yourself is the healthiest way you can welcome your new little baby into this world. Finish your pregnancy on your terms and meet your bundle of joy sooner by inducing labor naturally today.

If you're pregnant, you know the highs and the lows that come with being a mom-to-be. Being close to or past your due date can be extremely uncomfortable and painful. If you're ready to bring your new bundle of joy into this world, there is a safe and natural alternative to chemical induction. Protect you and your baby and induce your labor naturally today.

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