How Do You Choose Your Baby's Gender? Tips to Get the Gender You Want Safely and Naturally

Even though it may go against science, parents should be able to choose the gender of their baby. Now, of course, they should be able to also do it in an incredibly safe and natural way. Even though you do want to have the baby of your dreams, you also and more importantly, want to have a healthy baby that you can take care of. You don't want your gender plans to affect the baby's health in any capacity, which means ruling out scientific gender selection methods is instant for you.

Instead, you want to know how do you choose your baby's gender in a safe and natural way. What it the best approach to conceiving the gender of your dreams without causing any harm to the child or to you? Well, the answer is here. All you need to do is to follow these tips to get the gender you want safely and naturally.

One of the best ways to choose the sex of your child is to plan ahead and to think about this well before you become pregnant. You should decide what gender you want well before you have sex, because how and when you have sex can make all the difference in what gender you have.

For example, if you orgasm first before your partner, then your chances of having a boy are much higher. The reasoning behind this is because men are carriers of the Y chromosome and you need to have an XY match in order to have a boy. When you orgasm, your cervix dilates, which results in a high sperm count entering your body and a greater chance for that XY chromosome match to happen. The opposite is said for a girl. Make sure that your husband orgasms first before you do, if you do at all, because then the chance of an XX chromosome match is more likely.

Another thing to keep in mind when you want to choose the gender of your baby before you are pregnant, is to decide what time of day is best to have sex. Your body temperature fluctuates during the day, and this has a lot to do with how you conceive. For instance, having sex in the morning is best if you want to have a baby boy because your internal temperature is higher. Of course, then, the opposite is true for a baby girl. Have sex in the afternoon when your body is cooled off.

The foods that you eat during this time also make a big difference. You can start this before you are pregnant or even during your pregnancy. To ensure that you have a baby boy, eat a diet rich in alkaline foods to create this environment, which highly favors the development of a male. Acidic foods are what you should be eating, then if you want to have a baby girl.

There are so many natural and safe ways that you can use to choose the gender of your baby. Try out these methods and in 9 months, it will have paid off.

Liza Dupont Photo There are other specific methods that do work when it comes to choosing the gender of your baby. For more suggestions, including a method that is 100% guaranteed to help you conceive either a baby girl or a baby boy, visit this informative site. Don't let nature decide the gender of your baby. If you have your heart set on a boy or girl, find out what you can do to ensure you get the son or daughter you desperately want. There are proven ways to pick your baby's gender that are guaranteed to work.

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