How to Treat a Fertility Problem and How to begin with an IVF Pregnancy?

In a woman, a fertility problem can arise from a wide range of factors. This includes age, medical history or it might be hereditary as well. The odds of a miscarriage increase with the age of a woman as well.

Let us discuss some of the fertility issues and their treatments.

Ovulatory Dysfunction - This is the most common fertility problem which is caused due to the irregularity in the release of eggs every month. This mainly happens due to ovaries ageing prematurely, anxiety, hormonal disparity, abnormal ovarian development, hypo and hyperthyroidism or the presence of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Treatment: Medicines like Clomiphene and Metformin are helpful for treating Ovulatory Dysfunction.

Tubal Infertility - This fertility problem is caused due to a blockage in the fallopian tube that stops the egg from meeting the sperm inside the uterus.

Treatment: For early cases, doctors may suggest Sterilization Reversal or Laparoscopic Surgery. For severe cases, doctors suggest going in for In-Vitro Fertilization or IVF pregnancy treatment.

Surgical Infertility - This fertility problem can happen as an after-effect of previous surgeries like Myomectomies, Cystectomies, Tuboplasticies, etc.

Treatment: The cure for this sort of fertility problem solely depends on the medical history of the patient. Possible treatments include an IVF pregnancy, assisted hatching and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

Before you undergo an IVF pregnancy, there are certain changes that you must bring about in your lifestyle. The odds of achieving success through an IVF pregnancy will increase if you make these changes.

Smoking: Smoking can cause fertility issues for both males and females. Research has revealed a reduction in fertility in men (75%) as well as women (40%). Though much of the side effects of smoking can be taken care of before going in for an IVF pregnancy, it is better to stop smoking immediately.Alcohol: Alcohol consumption can be a problem in case you are thinking of IVF pregnancy treatment. Alcohol has been the root cause for many fertility problems. It is a must for the couple to stop drinking alcohol before they undergo IVF pregnancy treatment.Sleeping: We know that our body requires a minimum of 8 hours of sleep every day. But due to a hectic lifestyle, we often end up getting less sleep. Proper sleep is required before and during any IVF pregnancy treatments as the compound mechanisms accountable for the correct working of our reproductive systems allow anxiety hormones to fall, whilst stimulating fertility hormones while we are asleep.Diet: In case you are planning to undergo IVF pregnancy treatment, you must take proper care of your diet and stop the intake of carbohydrates, sugar, trans-fats and processed food. For IVF pregnancy treatment your diet must be based on fresh fruits and veggies, brown rice, nuts and beans.

A fertility problem is no cause for concern in today's world. With proper care and advanced treatments like IVF pregnancy treatment, any woman is free to fulfill her dream to be a mother.

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Alicia Tan has published 26 articles. Article submitted on February 19, 2013. Word count: 480

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