How to pump breast milk

Here are some tips on how to pump breast milk. There are different ways available to women to their breast cancer and store the milk from the pump. These methods include hand and express the pump.

Expressing milk breast must be done only by hand is that a bottle is rarely necessary. This milk is collected by massaging the chest and collecting milk as waterfalls in the Cup. To express the hand, place your hands in a C-shape, suction cups of the chest with the thumb over the nipple and the first two fingers a few centimeters below the nipple. Push your hand towards your chest, forward your fingers towards the nipple and a few drops of liquid should be expelled. The fingers and the thumb should be turned to milk to other reserves, with both hands are used on each breast. Do not squeeze or drag the hands on the chest. Avoid pulling on the nipple of the breast also.

The baby must be at least three weeks of age before periods of storage of the milk pumping. This untul waiting time will encourage the implementation of the adequate supply of milk produced in the breasts. Pumping should not cause any pain. If it is that a doctor should be consulted.

Pump your chest less than five times a week requires a manual pump which should meet your needs. High - quality electric pumps are also available for women who choose to pump several times per day. Electric pumps also reduce time of pumping. Many electric pumps for both breasts can also be pumped at the same time reduce the pumping session.

When pumping your breasts, always wash your hands before and after. Collection and pump bottles must be sterilized after each use. Whenever a power will be missed, it is when you give your baby a bottle, pump should be admistered. The same amount of milk the baby takes must be expressed in order to maintain adequate supply. Tits must also be pumped when they feel full. Early in the morning or early evening usually have a greater quantity of milk in the breasts. Mothers also pump milk while the baby is nursing on the other breast. Relaxation is a contributing factor to win a large milk during pumping. Massage the chest can also stimulate telaxation and stroking the upper chest while pumping can stimulate the milk until it left aside. Shaking breasts while leaning forward also encourages this as gravity helps the ejection reflex.

Pump can be maximized by chimneys pumping lubrication. This minimizes the friction of the breast against the funnel, reducing friction and can also take in addition to the chest of the pump. Pumping on a schedule will help your body to recognize when to do and drop the milk. More regular you choose pump your breasts for milk, more you will be able to get your breasts.

The small amount of milk? Do not blame yourself.There is nothing much more worse that the devastation of not being able to breastfeed exclusively. If you are one of these people, your help is here

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